Tips to host a budget friendly party

What are the things that immediately come to your mind when you plan for a party? Yes, Crystal glasses, Red wine and jam sessions; but how many of us can really afford those luxury items in your shrinking budget.
If your New Year resolution is to keep some of your hard earned cash in your wallet and curtail your credit card bills, then plan for a budget friendly party this time. Remember, as long your friends and family are around, nothing can spoil your party mood. Hosting a party is always a blast; so do not shy away from it due to its alarming cost. Here are a few tips to plan for budget friendly gala party.
Plan first: If you plan in advance, you will have plenty of time to choose your theme for the party and to shop accordingly either on sale or on heavy discount. Make a proper list of all the upcoming birthdays and holidays on which you would like to throw a party. Create a budget for each party and start saving for them. The next step should be to decide on the dates, time and spots for the gatherings. And please do not leave the task of guest list finalization for the last hour.
Save on Decoration: Decoration plays an important role to set the party mood on. For decoration, buy big bag of tea light candles and scatter them all over the place. You can use fallen tree branches or pine cones to provide a natural setting around. Silver and crystal small bulbs are also quite cheap and can serve the purpose well. Keep the decoration simple, but be creative and innovative at the same time. Use decorated paper clothes as table cloth; it saves both your labour and money. Borrow the expensive materials of decoration instead of buying them.
Save on Food: You can cook and prepare most of the food items yourself to save the cost of hiring a caterer. Good food is a must in every party, but for that do not spend your entire evening in the kitchen. Find some proactive older kids in your neighborhood to help you in hosting and other preparations. You can make it a pot luck party so that everyone can contribute by bringing variety of food items on their own. You can also plan for a buffet system to save your extra labour in serving.
Plan your party at midnight and save some more bucks on food as most of the party folks would arrive after dining well, and you would be left with the task of serving deserts, snacks and beverages only. Make an alcohol free party for a change. If it is not possible, make an arrangement for cold drinks, champagne, cocktail, brandy or beer which perfectly suits the wintry nights.
Music and Games: Make an impromptu musical evening or choose some exclusive CDs to play in order to replace a professional band, which sometimes makes the party too stereotype.
You can be most innovative as well as economical while planning for the entertainment part. Apart from board games like scrabble, monopoly, life or clue, you can also plan for some tricky mind boggling games like fortune telling or tarot card reading.
There are thousand of ways to plan for an exciting party within a proper budget. Follow few tricks while budgeting for the party and experience the difference in your financial life.
Author Bio – This has been a guest post by 'Marie Nelson', a financial content writer and blogger. She writes on many topics such as investment, budgeting and bankruptcy as well as helps many people by giving financial Tips.
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